Thanks for reaching out! I totally understand your hesitation, and since I wrote this things have definitely changed. At the time, I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, which I didn't end up actually having, and when I switched psychiatrists I got a diagnosis of PTSD, which seems more fitting given what I deal with. I was on Zoloft for about a year after I was diagnosed with PTSD, but eventually it just kinda stopped working altogether so I got off of it. I started on a new regimen but it didn't work out and right now I am not medicated. Still, it's a whole-ass journey in my opinion, and I think I will probably be medicated again in the future. Thankfully, most of my symptoms have been fairly mild since about last year, so that's one thing that's been nice. I feel like meds gave me a chance to breathe and relax, but I do like trying to function without them if possible.